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Pitt in Sydney- Dave Levey

Hi! My name is Dave Levey, and I am a rising Junior in the College of Business Administration. I am a Marketing major pursuing a certificate in Digital Media. I am from Yardley, Pa which is about 40 minutes outside of Philly (yes I am a member of the “outside of Philly” majority at Pitt).

In just a few, short weeks, I will be traveling to the other side of the world where I will be living in the beautiful city of Sydney, Australia for 6 weeks. During my time in Sydney, I will be taking a Sports Marketing class plus interning at a company called Inspire Tennis!  When I first heard about the Pitt in Sydney Program, I jumped at the opportunity. Not only would I be able to live in a place I have always dreamed about visiting, but I also had the opportunity to intern in the Sports Management field, another dream of mine!

I do however, expect to face a few challenges on this trip. One being that I have never interned before, and my first experience is in another country. I am aware and relieved that Australians speak English, but it will still take time to adjust to Australian business norms and etiquette. Lastly, I will need to utilize Sydney public transportation, so I will have to learn the different bus and train routes very quickly. I welcome these challenges, and know that overcoming them is part of the fun in studying abroad!

Some fun facts about me:

I cannot wait to start this journey of a lifetime, and I look forward to sharing all my adventures!




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