Reflecting on My Time Abroad

Our time abroad is already over. Time really flew after our spring break, I think we really got used to our weekly routines and it made time fly by. Studying abroad was one of the best decisions I have made, if not the best. I am so grateful for all of the people I’ve met and the relationships that I made, as well as the awesome experience of living in Sydney, Australia. There was nothing that I didn’t like about my time abroad. Like I said I made some lifelong friendships, I got to intern at an Australian company and learn about their work culture, and I got to travel around Australia and even visit some other countries. This last week a few of us went to New Zealand as a last trip to end the semester and it was beautiful. There is nothing bad that I can say about this trip and I am just very happy that I can say I had this opportunity.

Personally I feel as though I have discovered that I love to travel. Traveling around Australia, Bali, and New Zealand has really showed me that traveling to different countries and experiencing different cultures is really cool. I really enjoyed all the different places that we went and each place was unique which I really liked. Academically I feel as though my time management skills have really improved. The classes that I took were interesting and I definitely got a lot out of them but I think that time management is the biggest takeaway. Balancing my school work and my job was something that I have never done before. It was difficult at times, especially during my finals week but overall I think it was good for me. Learned you can’t always procrastinate everything. Especially because I plan on getting a job in the spring and I’m going to have to do the same thing. Professionally, working in the office gave me good experience. It was different from any job I have done, I was very interactive with my coworkers and this definitely helped with my communication skills.

Overall I got so much out of my time studying abroad. I think that everybody who has the chance to do it, should take advantage of it! You will not regret it. I can’t wait till I get back to Sydney because after my time there I know I need to go back.

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