Small Parting Thoughts

We were told that this trip was meant to be a transformative experience, and now I’ve had about a week to reflect about whether it was. Truth be told, I’m not sure I’d say I’m a different person, although this sort of claim would require some addressing of the nature of identity and what is…

An Overthought

I apologize in advance for the what might be nonsense you are about to read. My last post was just two journal entries that spoke about lessons the nature of a campsite stream made me consider and the inadequacy of language to capture the world as it is. The consideration of the stream referenced a…

A Conveniently Relevant Read for the Trek

Mid Morning Day 3: The campsite here has a single stream that separates from itself, then reconvenes at several places, mimicking our own desire to walk separate paths only to reach the place we were to go regardless. While writing I sit at the place where three of these stream branches come together. For what…

Understanding an Odd Intention

There’s something about dragging yourself up a steep hill for several hours with 30 pounds on your back that clears your head and makes you require some distraction. This distraction comes from whatever random thoughts flood the mind as you drudge onward and upward. I don’t mean to make it sound like the shakedown hike…

Looking Ahead

            The activities of today did not change the way I view leadership. Instead, they reinforced what this course had already been teaching. In none of the activities did a clear leader come out in the common notion. No single person began commanding everyone else to success or failure. There was no preconceived idea of…

The 6 C’s: Calm, Compassion, Confidence, Competence, Control, Chai

            Wilderness First Aid is seemingly something with very specific application, but its processes and necessary qualities break that boundary. The quality I find most widely applicable is remaining cool, calm, and collected. The importance of this was especially highlighted in the first day when we learned the ABCDE’s, which is a process to check…

Some Initial Thoughts and Observations

            While travelling abroad affords one a fantastic opportunity to learn and grow in an uncomfortable environment, it can also cause one to be obliviously disrespectful to cultural norms. The factors that stop an unintentional disrespect are awareness and presence. It takes background research to become aware of what practices might be different, and then…

The Centipede

“The centipede was happy, quite, until a toad in fun said, ‘Pray, which leg goes after which?’ This worked his mind to such a pitch, he lay distracted in a ditch, considering how to run.” -Alan Watts Alan Watts was a British Philosopher who popularized much of Eastern thought in the West during the 20th…

Meet the Pitt Bloggers for Leadership in the Himalayas

Leadership in the Himalayas Overview Leadership skills are among the most highly sought transferrable skills that you will utilize in your professional life. Developing your leadership style is also a very personal experience that can’t be taught in the classroom. Leadership Development in the Himalayas gives you the opportunity to go beyond leadership theory and…