It’s Time to Experience Things

As Kendall Jenner once famously said, “I think you should experience it. You always say you want to experience things, but I don’t think you actually want to experience things because you would experience it if you wanted to experience things.” I know. This quote basically just goes in a circle, but Jenner has a point. People always say they want adventure and want new things in life, yet hardly ever act on it. I myself have been guilty of this too. Lately, I have been doing everything I can to accomplish things I really want, whether it is just my daily workout or taking on a whole new project. Going study abroad in Argentina is just another part of my new lifestyle to “experience things.”

I am Evonna Skye Ranade, a sophomore at the University of Pittsburgh pursuing a degree in marketing and a certificate in international business. Through my time aboard, I want to further my education in the business and fashion world simultaneously. While it may seem strange that I am studying business, while wanting to work in fashion, I think that having a solid business education will be the basis to help me grow in my career. All of the work experience I have previously had has been fashion related. In contrast to my co-workers, I have a bit of a different outlook on things. I know things about merchandising through studying marketing, but I am also educated on managing people in the workplace, finances, and even something as simple as target markets. My business knowledge makes me different.

Now more than ever I keep thinking about how important it is for me to go out and get life experiences in anything possible. I am so excited to study in Buenos Aires because it will allow me to broaden my experiences in so many ways. I have been abroad for leisure travel many times before, but I have never taken classes. Just being in a class with people from all over the world will really help me to become more globally competent, along with the actual content of the courses I will take. Also, Buenos Aires is one of the most fashionable places in Latin America. I cannot wait to walk down the street to observe trends from back home and new trends specific to Buenos Aires. My time abroad will also give me the opportunity to really immerse myself in another language. I have been studying Spanish for 8 years. While I have sufficient written skills, I want to improve my verbal skills through engaging in real time conversation. I will be living with a local family and working in a Spanish speaking internship, alongside observing everyone around me speaking Spanish as I walk on the streets. I know this part will be a challenge, but it will probably be one of the most rewarding things—I will know how to speak another language.

Overall, I cannot say enough about how excited I am to get to live in Buenos Aires, Argentina for 4 months. I will get way more than just learning about international business and fashion back in a classroom. I cannot wait to continue sharing all my experiences along the way.


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