Assistive Technology

The Market for Assistive Technologies and Commercial Development:  The attached article on the market for assistive technologies has some bold predictions about commercial opportunities.  Given your interest in business (i.e. finance, accounting, marketing, global management, etc.), what commercial opportunity in assistive technologies stands out for you?

I think the commercial opportunity that stands out for me is the possibility to decrease the prices of some crucial assistive technology. While there are many amazing advancements being made within assistive technology, many of the innovations are inaccessible to average people because of their significant price. For example, there is an app known as Open Sesame that enables users to use head gestures in order to perform certain functions on their phone or laptop. However, it is $20 per month, which doesn’t seem like a lot, but it can really add up when combined with other technology such as diaphragmatic pacing systems and electrical stimulation technology.

The Market for Assistive Technologies and Social Impact: The article also offers us a glimpse of some of the social impacts that are possible through an attention to the development of this market.  What specific positive social impact is likely/possible if the market continues to develop?

If the market continues to develop, the growing industry would create more jobs not only in manufacturing the new technology but also inventing more innovations. The social implications of this growth in industry would positively impact those in need by returning abilities to them they never thought they would ever get back. It is incredible to imagine someone regaining the ability to walk using a new technology like electrical stimulation. Individuals in need of assistive technology put an immense amount of faith in current and future innovations, so every invention increases their hope that much more. Future technologies may also give individuals the ability to work again, which would greatly benefit their families.

Other Examples Like This?:  Based on our review of the market for assistive technologies as an area of opportunities for commercial development and opportunities for social impact, what other types of markets (likely in areas related to people, planet and profit) offer opportunities for commercial development and social impact? 

I think sustainability is a very important area that could really use commercial development and could make a great social impact. We could always use innovation within the field of environmental sustainability, especially since it is only becoming more crucial to take care of the earth as time goes on and its resources are used up. This means we need to figure out how to make items and processes more environmentally friendly without spending too much money, which is a great challenge. If we become more environmentally sustainable as a planet, it will ensure a better and longer life for future generations.

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