The End of the Road

So far, 2021 has been a whirlwind year filled with exceptional personal growth and development. My experience interning through the Global Business Institute (GBI) this semester has been one of the biggest contributors to that. I owe so much of who I am now to Kaizntree, the company in which I interned, and to Marcos,…

A New Type of (virtual) Experience

Hi everyone! My name is Alex Falzone and I am a junior here at the University of Pittsburgh studying marketing and supply chain management with a certificate in leadership and ethics (CPLE). This summer, I will be joining Wabtec Corporation as an operations intern to gain experience in the SCM field. For now though, this…

To Live and Learn How To Pivot

Wow. Almost over already. Though this semester has not gone ANYTHING like I had anticipated, it has still provided me with some of the most beneficial experiences that I have been able to learn and grow from. This has been especially true in the case of this Global Service-Learning Course.            As I discussed in…

With Trinidad So Close…

In just under a week, my team and I will be traveling to the beautiful island of Trinidad and I am so excited! This semester we have spent countless hours completing preliminary research, preparing our scope of work and preparing our best practices deliverable for our client, Nature Seekers. It seems as though all of…

To Trinidad And Beyond

Hello! My name is Alex Falzone and I am a sophomore at the University of Pittsburgh. I am majoring in supply chain management and marketing, while also participating in the Certificate Program in Leadership and Ethics (CPLE). Prior to my junior year of high school, I had not even considered going to college for business….