Communication Gaps

It is Monday morning here in Dublin–in fact, the second-to-last Monday morning left on this two-month period in Dublin. I am leaving in just a little under two weeks, which is definitely hard to believe. This past week has been yet another busy work week in the office, and aside from work, I am trying…

Cultural Norms and Differences

            I’ve definitely noticed a difference in communication style. Luckily, I haven’t had any major miscommunications because of it, but I did have one somewhat funny miscommunication. It was the end of the day, and I was getting ready to leave work when my boss asked me about how I get home and what metro…

Learning useful skills

The transferable or “soft skills” I have developed during the program are hands down some of the things I most value from this experience. One of the things I wanted to develop during my time here was independence and becoming more self-sufficient. On a day-to-day level I can definitely notice a difference compared to when…

Reflection Week

I had such a busy weekend last weekend, where I went to three different cities in two days, that I really did not feel like doing anything spectacular like the week before. Instead, I opted to just explore the nearby area of our hotel. I hadn’t been able to do that yet because I spent…

Leadership in Dublin

This weekend I have been very busy continuing to explore Ireland. On Friday after work, I went to visit my Aunt in Mullingar. I was also able to spend the rest of the day with my family whom I don’t get to see very often. We went out to a family dinner and it was…

Nuevos estillos de liderazgo

Before this internship, I did not have a lot of leadership experience. The closest was in my last internship that I did in London through the GBI program where I was working as a marketing intern for a small consulting company. At the time, my supervisor who was the founder of the company was starting…

Leadership and Team work

I find it incredible that we are already halfway through the program. I first realized that so much time has passed when trying to plan weekend trips, and noticing how little weekends we have left before July 22! Since arriving, everyday has been filled with new experiences and lessons, which has definitely made the time…


I have been in Dublin for a little over a month now. I have now spent a significant amount of time at my office and everything has become familiar. I have been able to completely have my daily routine down. From my route to work, every morning is around the same time as well as…

Learning from a Leader

The ability to take charge of a situation and help guide the group out of it is an important part of setting yourself apart from the rest of the pack when considering recruiting for prospective future job opportunities. Being a leader provides many pathways in business to take charge of your career and take it…