Company Culture Shock

Before I came abroad, everyone warned me that there would be a major culture shock. So far, I have yet to experience this. However, I have experienced a shock in terms of work culture. I am used to working in more rigid environments were tasks are delegated to me and I follow them. I have noticed while working for my art firm here that I have to learn how to make myself useful. I feel very independent in that respect. No one is constantly telling me what to do. I have to make my own proposals of how I think I can contribute. I kind of like it though because its a challenge. I have to consistently prove my worth. This keeps me busy and on my toes.

Time in terms of schedules is a lot more fluid here. I don’t believe this is a widely Irish thing but more of an arts firm thing. I can be very flexible with my time and how I want to spend it. I can delegate what hours I want to spend on certain projects. This allows me to most efficiently spend my time on the projects that need them.

I am overall surprised that I like this type of work culture. I originally thought I would prefer a more rigid structure. Reflecting on it now, however, it makes sense that I prefer a more loose structure because I consider myself very independent.

Also I forgot to take pictures while in Ireland this week so instead please enjoy the feature picture of a Trdelnik. Originally a Hungarian import, it has become insanely popular with tourists in Prague. And while I was in Prague this weekend, I ate 4 of them within 48 hours. So yes, they are insanely good and important to me.

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