Unlocking Professional Growth Down Under: Insights from My Global Journey in Sydney

Living in Australia for these past few weeks while having an internship and taking classes, specifically the Global Internship course, have definitely given me the ability to reflect and gain more skills in my professional development as a business student and in future professional opportunities. With my class, every week we are able to not only learn more about professional development skills but actually are given the ability to practice these, such as when we did mock interviews and group projects. These opportunities have helped me to put into action and try out new techniques that can further my professional abilities and make me a more valuable prospect to companies when I get out into the workforce after college. In my internship, I have been given tasks and responsibilities which have helped me to learn more hard technical skills that I can take into the workforce after this trip, while also I have been able to practice and hone more soft communication skills on the job, such as time management. This whole experience has given me the chance to expand my cultural awareness and global mindset, exposing me to a different business environment and types of practices as compared to back in the US. I have been able to develop both my problem solving and critical thinking abilities through confronting new challenges and unfamiliar situations in a different cultural context. I have gained so much independence in managing my daily tasks and responsibilities in a foreign country, and have tried to take initiative and be proactive in developing self discipline to keep myself ahead on all deadlines. I would say it is not the easiest task in the world to try and balance both work and life outside with all of the temptations to have fun with everyone around me. This has shown me the importance of time management in getting work done and out of the way before stressing about deadlines and being able to explore the city without worrying if I had completed everything I needed to. All in all, I have gained global awareness and am experiencing a different culture first hand while in Sydney. I am learning and appreciating the amount of different and new perspectives of everyone around me, embracing diversity, and gaining so many skills that will help me in both my professional development as a business student and in the future professional opportunities.

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