Positive Technological Advancements

The Market for Assistive Technologies and Commercial Development:  The attached article on the market for assistive technologies has some bold predictions about commercial opportunities.  Given your interest in business (i.e. finance, accounting, marketing, global management, etc.), what commercial opportunity in assistive technologies stands out for you?

In assistive technology, the one opportunity that really stands out to me is the artificial intelligence interfaces that are improving almost daily. When Apple’s “Siri” launched, it was a revolutionary technology that helped users navigate their smartphones more easily. Now, just about every major player in the tech industry has their own AI assistant. AI assistants can not only improve the use of a person’s phone, but can help them in their house, as well. Examples of this are Apple’s iHome speaker, Amazon’s Echo, and the Google Dot.

The Market for Assistive Technologies and Social Impact: The article also offers us a glimpse of some of the social impacts that are possible through an attention to the development of this market.  What specific positive social impact is likely/possible if the market continues to develop?

A positive social impact that is possible to arise if the technology continues to improve so fast is to be able to connect to other people through the at home, voice activated speaker systems and create somewhat of an inter-household community while never having to leave your house. While this is already possible through social media, the idea of being able to just say “Alexa, call Bob” and be able to talk with a friend is quite exciting.

Other Examples Like This?:  Based on our review of the market for assistive technologies as an area of opportunities for commercial development and opportunities for social impact, what other types of markets (likely in areas related to people, planet and profit) offer opportunities for commercial development and social impact? 

Another interesting market that is heading in an advanced direction is the automobile industry. Self-driving cars are already being produced and have good safety records. The electric and self-driving vehicle segment is growing rapidly and is a more sustainable business than conventional cars driven by internal combustion engines. The automobile industry is paving the way to a safer, more eco-friendly future, and that will have an extremely positive socio-cultural effect.

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