Farewell, Florence!

Study abroad is often regarded as a break for a semester. While it may not be as academically challenging as a semester at Pitt, the life experience gained from studying abroad is insurmountable.

Personally, I have gained independence, confidence, and adaptability. This is the longest I have ever been separated from my family and friends, so not being able to rely on them at any moment has proved that I am independent. Whether it was navigating my flights from Toronto to Florence completely alone or overcoming daily challenges, I have proved to myself and others that I am capable of doing things on my own. Furthermore, I have become more confident in my abilities and decisions. The last major personal development I have noticed is my adaptability. Traveling can be quite unpredictable, so your ability to persevere will separate you from others. Anytime a problem surfaced, I was able to overcome it.

As I mentioned previously, the semester that study abroad is not known to be academically challenging, but I have learned some great things in the classrooms. I have learned plenty about international marketing strategies and writing techniques, but what I have really appreciated is the class structure. Many of my classes included visits to nearby museums and monuments, which really augmented my learning. I was able to explore the city I studied in, while also related these visits to what we learned in the classrooms.

Professionally, I have developed intercultural competence, which I can use in my future career. I have learned how to not only observe cultural norms, but also apply them to how I act. This has helped me debunk stereotypes and truly understand many elements of Italian culture. In a future job, this could help me understand people from diverse backgrounds, which is great for teamwork.

Overall, studying abroad is an experience that I truly believe will be unmatched in my college career. My personal, academic, and professional development has been immense, and I did it all while traveling around Europe. My main takeaways from this program are to appreciate every moment and to see the good in every situation. They may seem simple, but that is the essence of studying abroad to me. These takeaways will allow me to be eager and ambitious in my future career, but also to appreciate and learn from the mistakes and setbacks. If I don’t get a job I want, I will learn from the mistakes I made and use them to earn an even better job. I know I can overcome challenges, so I know I will find success.

Final takeaway: Florence is the best city ever!

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