The Last Assignment

I know that this blog is supposed to be all about how I grew, but I want to add this little preface about the opposite. While in Germany, I lost about 28 pounds and have probably taken almost 5 inches off of my waistline. Okay, now that I’ve said that I can continue. Professionally, I…

Environmental Contexts

Currently on my fourth attempt at writing this, but at least I’m at home to write about my abroad experience. I really wish that I could turn off the auto save feature, because it’s only deleted progress over the last two months. This week’s blogpost is about using context clues to solve issues. And I…

One Almost Final Report

So this program used to be 12 (instead of 8) weeks long and thus the weekly assignments had 12 prompts. Now you might notice that there’s a difference between 12 and 8 (roughly 4) which means that we no longer answer all of the prompts. The second to last prompt (that would normally go unanswered…

A Small Perspective on Small Business

Comparing my current internship in web development isn’t quite adequate to my previous work experience of Wal~Mart. Transitioning to a work environment that actually cares about employees, hasn’t prompted serious bodily harm, and isn’t destroying local economies as well as the environment is actually rather relieving. The most delightful part about my current internship is…

How I Learn Leadership

So, this post is supposed to be about my leadership experience before, during, and (because they want the program to look good) after the program. I want to give a real quick disclaimer: I don’t particularly like leading (mostly because I think that I function mostly as a kind of lone wolf), but I will…

The Need to Know How to Learn

The prompt this week is all about how Pitt has prepared me for this international experience, considering that I’m doing a web design internship, it’s kind of a difficult question. Computer science is fundamentally about foundations. For this internship, I’m working primarily in JavaScript with some additional HTML and CSS. Now it might interest the…

A Quick Lesson on Program Design

Whenever you’re programming there are always numerous nuances that can impact how you write the code both on the side of style and on the back end (on the conceptual side of how something works). At the moment, I’m working on the subtitles feature for the Delight XR video player and I’m going to use…