entry 11 – finishing study abroad

It is really hard to put into words my entire experience abroad. I can start by saying it couldn’t have gone faster and I will always see this as the most fun I’ve had while in college. I got to travel a lot, make many close friends, and all while getting 4 courses completed that…

entry 10 – challenges

Hi everybody, Lets talk about the challenges of studying abroad! I believe the most challenging thing you will find about studying abroad is in the first week you arrive to your respective city. I have travelled extensively throughout my life and I can tell you that really doesn’t change much. When I arrived to London…

entry 9 – not a tourist

Hello again, It has been around 80 days since I first landed in London for the semester. I have been around the city a good bit by now to be able to recommend my favorite parts of the city. So to start off, I’ll list my 3 favorite sites/spots to go in London! You won’t…

entry 8 – UK vs US (professors)

At this point in the semester I feel that I have noticed many differences between the way professors from the UK teach compared to professors from the US. If there is one word I had to choose it would be, participation. Participation is so drastically different when I compare CAPA to the University of Pittsburgh….

entry 7 – easy trips out of London

Hi again, This past week I found a very easy and fun way to add another country to your list if you are studying abroad in London and that is Whales! My friend from home visited me this past week and we both have a crave to add countries to our list. Before I went…

entry 6 – spring break

Welcome back, Updates! I finished midterm week in one piece, and made it to Rome where I am writing this blog from in one piece as well! I left London and spent 3 nights in Barcelona. It was the 3rd time going to Barcelona and I can say with positivity that I will never get…

entry 5 – midterm week

Hi all, It is midterm week at CAPA in London and the assignments have piled up. I have been locking myself in libraries, cafes, and my home the past week to try and get all the assignments done before spring break which starts on Friday this upcoming week. I’ll go through my assignments for each…

entry 4

Can’t believe it is already February. Going into my 4th week of studying abroad. I have thoroughly enjoyed my classes so far. All my professors are from London so its great to get a different perspective on all the different subjects I am studying here. The commute to and from class has been so incredibly…

entry 3 – iceland

Hi all! I went on my first weekend trip in Europe to Iceland this past weekend. The majority of students in my program went to Paris on a guided CAPA trip. I had just been in Paris in August so I decided to go to Iceland instead. Luckily, I met my parents and two brothers…